We Love Tapas Frequently Asked Questions.

If you can’t find what you are looking for here then drop us a line.

  1. How can I book a We Love Tapas Tour?
    Choose your city and the tour you’d like and contact us either by email or by filling in this contact form.
  2. Do I need to book the tour in advance?
    Yes, your tour needs to be booked and paid for in advance. We recommend you take the tour at the beginning of your visit as this will set you up for going out for tapas on your own during the rest of your stay.
  3. What is the cancellation policy?
    All deposits and payments are non-refundable.
  4. Can I book a tour for just one person?
    There is a minimum of two people for our tours, but we can put you on a waiting list and let you know if others book on the date you are interested in. You can also book a private tour for one person, with a supplement.
  5. Are the prices all inclusive?
    Our tours are all inclusive. Each tour is slightly different but all include a good selection of food and drink. Check your tour description to see exactly what is included. If you would like anything extra that’s no problem, your guide will help you order and pay at the bar.
  6. What if it rains?
    Our tours go out rain or shine.
  7. Are cameras allowed?
    Yes, all the bars we visit are happy to have you take photos.
  8. Are small children allowed on the tours?
    Our tours are not suitable for young children, but we are happy to accommodate your family on a private tour.
  9. How can I book a private tour?
    Private tours and special groups can usually be accommodated. Send us an email or use this contact form to get in touch.
  10. Are tips included?
    Our tours include 21% VAT and we also tip our bars 10%. Tips for our guides are not expected, but are always a welcome.
  11. What about food preferences or allergies?
    Please let us know in advance about any food preferences, and especially allergies, before booking your tour.
  12. Did we forget anything? Let us know.